How to Protect Your Property from Springtime Flooding

by | Jun 4, 2021 | McMahon Services & Construction, Water Damage Restoration

The weather is finally getting warmer and snow is melting. Rainstorms are increasing, and with all of this extra water, springtime flooding is on the rise. Floodwater can cause extreme damage to your home if you don’t prepare for the excess water – but don’t worry! As long as you’re prepared and take the necessary precautions, your home will be safe and dry from springtime floods.

Take These Necessary Steps to Prevent Springtime Flooding

As spring brings in the new flowers and warm weather, it’s important to prepare your home against the potential flood waters! Use the following tips to keep your house nice and dry.

  1. Remove any excess snow. If the area around your home is still covered in snow, it’s time to remove it and get it away from your house. If that snow melts, it has the potential to trickle into your basement. Start by clearing away snow from your foundation. Be sure to clear away a spot at least 5 feet away from your home – a safe distance for it to melt.
  2. Check your foundation, windows, and roof. Before it starts storming make sure there are no major cracks in the foundation of your home. If you notice any large cracks in the cement, it’s time to call in a professional to have them inspected and potentially repaired. While you are looking at the foundation, head up to the roof and check for loose shingles, cracks near the chimney, or any other areas that may cause water to leak inside the attic. Windows come next. Check all the windows in your home to ensure that they are fully intact and sealed – no water can get in.
  3. Cover any basement window wells. Covering your window wells will keep rain and melting snow out of your basement as well as allow natural light to filter into your basement!
  4. Check gutters and downspouts. Before the rain comes, clear out all gutters and downspouts. Over the winter they tend to fill with leaves, sticks, mud, dirt – and other debris from the melting snow. These things can cause major blockages and prevent water from draining and flowing freely. If your gutters are blocked, water can back up and leak into your home. In addition to cleaning out your gutters, make sure downspouts are pointed away from your home.
  5. Install a sump pump, or make sure that yours is working properly.  A sump pump has one job – to keep your basement from flooding. When your sump pump is working properly, it will detect when water reaches a certain point in your basement, and start to drain the water away from your home – preventing it from flooding your basement. Before spring, test your existing sump pump to make sure it’s in good working order. If you don’t have a sump pump installed, call in a professional to find the proper size and have it installed.

Even with these five steps to prevent water damage, accidents can happen, and water may find its way into your home. If this does happen, the water damage restoration team at McMahon Services is here to help with the repairs.

McMahon Services handles all types of water damage caused by natural disasters like heavy rains and flooding and will do so in a timely fashion. Our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – and we service all areas around Chicago, Arlington Heights, Skokie, Schaumburg, and Libertyville.

When you call McMahon Services, our goal is to make it feel like you never experienced water loss to your home. Whether you’re dealing with a broken sewage line or a simple appliance leak, we will handle the cleanup from start to finish.

Call us today to schedule your free consultation.

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